Milk the Cat!

I do a lot in the horror writing community, including writing fiction and non-fiction, as well as working with the Horror Writers Association as the Vice President.

Sometimes, however, it’s nice to take things in a different direction.

And last week, my first children’s book (non-horror), Milk the Cat, was released!

From the back cover:
Milk the Cat and Nellie did everything together.
They played. They danced. They cuddled.
But one day, Milk the Cat did not make it home with Nellie.
Was he lost?
Did he run away?
Will he ever see Nellie again?
Join Milk and Nellie in a story about being lost and found and loved.

Milk is based on a true story told to me by one of my best friends in the world.

The fabulous art is by Ogmios. Og offered so many thoughtful suggestions to make this book the best it could possibly be. And many of the pages he created for certain scenes were exactly how I envisioned them as I was writing the story. Not only is Og a talented artist (you should see what he can do with a dragon…), he is a kind and wonderful person. I am grateful to him for saying yes to this project.

With Og at the Friday night Meet the Authors Party (NECon).

Milk the Cat is published by YAP Jr, and imprint of Haverhill House Publishing — and the first book by this imprint. HHP is headed by the amazing (and hilarious) John McIlveen. I’m so thankful to Mac for giving me this opportunity. He is a true pleasure to work with.

Og, Mac, and I know each other from the horror writing community. We met at NECon, a small but loving convention for horror writers and artists. A place full of some of the most fun and generous people I know. Because of this, we felt it was important to have the book release there this past weekend*. Our friends and the broader community were so supportive, and we are grateful to them.

Mac, me, and Og

Milk is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powell’s, Google Books, and many other places.

In the Dealers Room at the Haverhill House table, with Milk!

*hoping to blog more about NECon 41 soon…